Over the weekend I created MySwitchPort.com 2.0. The previous version was getting out dated. I wanted a brand-new look. The new page looks a lot better. Instead of the dark design I choose to go with a lighter design. The legacy version of MySwitchport.com will remain active. As far as the Google Play apps I also created an app for the new site. It is being reviewed right now. The new site has more pages with more information. I like the way it has turned out. The legacy version was mostly limited to one main page. Just a listing of the current web sites. This new site goes more in depth into MySwitchPort as a company in general. I whipped up the site in about 2 days. Including setting up the app. I will have to wait to get feed back on how people like the new site before I know if it what I believe to be a major improvement.
The Creation of MySwitchPort.com 2.0
Updated: Oct 2, 2022