Just spent the entire day rebuilding all of my apps. It took from the time I woke up till now at 3 am. I just finished. Besides when I was at work. I got all of them rebuilt and uploaded to the Google play store. I am fucking exhausted. I had to double triple check everything I did. Don’t feel like making any changes in the near future to the apps. They all look great. I made so many needed improvements. The time it took was nothing compared to the investment. I think I will call it a night now. The apps should be back on the Google Play Store within 3-4 days ready to be downloaded. The apps should blow some peoples minds if the seen the previous versions compared to the new versions. I got rid of all the adds and made alot of other improvements. Cant wait till they go live.
Major over haul to all the apps.
Updated: Oct 2, 2022